Builders in Los Abrigos

Bazza the BuilderBazza the Builder

English-speaking Builder, Handy Man. Kitchens, Bedrooms, Plumbing – boilers leaks and repairs, UK trained, 30 year experience, Free advice, Don’t delay  –  a drip today is a flood tomorrow.

Locksmith Tenerife SouthLocksmith Tenerife South

Lost the key to the front door? Calling a locksmith in will cost you less than repairing a door or lock later!!! Several factors influence the cost and time of ...

Oasis Maintenance ServicesOasis Maintenance Services

Steve & Steve: South Tenerife. Bathrooms Renewals, kitchen Refits, Plastering, Painting, 30 years working legally in Tenerife, Free advice. Ask us for a quote today!

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