Weather in Tenerife in October

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in October is 25 degrees on average with 7 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in October 3mm over 4 days. Average Humidity is 67%.

October in Tenerife is quite magical.  Although it heralds the coming of winter there is still much about the weather to be envied.  The rain, if it disturbs you at all with be very light and quickly over before the sun comes out again.  The rest of the time you could well compare the weather with a prefect summer day back in the UK.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in October is 25 degrees with 7 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

The ‘swallows’, the people who come to Tenerife for the winter months, continue to arrive in more numbers and the island changes somewhat from families to a mix of younger people without families and older people escaping the british winter for a few weeks.  Of course, there will be the dreaded ‘half-term’ when prices go up and families arrive for that week but less so than in the summer.


Rainfall in Tenerife in October 3mm over 3 days