Round Robin Auto Adverts

🐦Are you in the Round Robin Yet?🐦

If you have a listing but are not yet in the Round Robin, why not give it a try?

Not listed yet? Just ask!

Tenerife Pages Website

You can choose up to 3 categories in which to list your main advert eg:

  • Builder, Plumber, Electrician
  • Excursions
  • Estate Agent Sales, Letting

When you want to promote more than 1 product or service, if it’s a different category it goes in your 3 listings (max). Everything should go in the form of an article. Examples:

  • Diving, unlimited articles for dive sites, FAQ questions about diving.
  • Plumbing, info articles like dealing with limescale in boilers
  • Excursions, questions about boat hire, best way to see Masca
  • Restaurants, Gourmet Foods, Recipe articles, Collaboration like pies & chutneys

This is a form of indirect advertising that reduces the likelihood of your adverts being seen as spam. It allows you to focus on keywords customers might use to locate what they are searching for.

If you design your own article, then it’s yours and no-one else’s, otherwise an article can be shared between members. For example, Best Steak in Tenerife, open to restaurants with a good rep for steaks. Private Yacht Rental, shared by trip providers that offer this.

Tenerife Pages Group

When your listing is created on Tenerife Pages website it will be posted to the group as an advert. Your personal text can be added to the post. This can be changed as required.

You can then request to be part of the Round Robin and your adverts will get posted on the group automatically.

You will be tagged when you ad is posted and you MUST acknowledge this is someway so I know it’s accurate and still up to date. Any changes, pm me or post in the comments.

Tenerife Pages PAGE

We have 37 main categories which will be listed 1 a day on our PAGE. You are welcome to advertise in the comments of any category that is relevant to your business.