Tenerife Golfing Lessons

Online Tutorials and Free Advice.
If you would like to know more about my golf lessons in Tenerife please get in touch.

  • Location: Chio, Guia de Isora. Tenerife
  • WhatsApp: 643 191 935
  • Find Martin on Facebook

Second hand golf clubs and bag shop

    • We stock a great selection of metals, irons, putters, chippers, hybrids, specialist wedges, and bags
    • We do buyback deals that works out cheaper over a two week stay.
    • Open 9 till 9 seven days a week
    • Call us or have a browse.


Henry Cotton Technique – The Golf Swing

Henry Cotton on the Golf Swing

From Henry Cottons Book:

Cotton is golf’s ultimate ‘hands’ man, an unrepentant iconoclast who relentlessly insists: (a) that the ever-growing accent on body action is at best wrongheaded and at worst physically injurious and (b) that there is no way mechanically to program and fundamentalize the golf swing, at least insofar as the average mortal is concerned.

In proclaiming that the key to sound and long-lasting golf lies in the condition and actions of the hands, Cotton does not deny that other methods work – simply that the hands method, once mastered is the easiest, most effective, and longest lasting.

The only really adamant stance he takes is against the concept that the golf swing can be mechanically standardized – a position borne of his own failure to do just that after one of the greatest single efforts in history to accomplish such a goal.

Golf is an individual game and will ever be so, whilst human beings vary in physique. The thoroughness with which American golfers have analysed golf in an attempt to find ‘the secret’ has further convinced me there is no secret.

‘To watch a first-class field drive off must surely convince everyone that a golf ball can be hit in many ways.’
Later he also conceded that his original highly mechanistic approach to developing a putting stroke was one of the chief reasons he was so poor a performer on the greens, compared with his prowess at at reaching them.

Martin Roberts at Chio Golf Shop teaches the Henry Cotton Technique.

Contact: Martin for Golf Tuition 

Location: Chio, Guia de Isora. Tenerife

WhatsApp: 643 191 935

Find Martin on Facebook

Tenerife Golf Courses

Golf Club Hire

Chio Golf Shop

Second hand golf clubs and bag shop

Golfing Lessons

  • We stock a great selection of metals, irons, putters, chippers, hybrids, specialist wedges, and bags
  • We do buyback deals that works out cheaper over a two week stay.
  • Open 9 till 9 seven days a week
  • Call us or have a browse

Location: Chio, Guia de Isora. Tenerife

WhatsApp: 643 191 935

Find Martin on Facebook

Grooves Disappear From Golf Drivers

By: Martin Roberts Chio Golf Shop


What a thought!? No grooves on the face of a golf driver? !?!?!

That was the golf industries response when the V Project suggested this to them. The IMG backed golf product accessing project V Project stated clearly that grooves were on little use and a smooth face would give golfers an instant straighter and longer driver. Which eventually the golf industry took on board.

It wasn’t new technology though! Oh no, the rules of golf had it covered in the original rules of the game, the face shall be smooth…..

I learnt the smooth face from caddying for the late great Christy O’connor, who would have his driver revert back to the old rules smooth face by applying araldite into the grooves and sanding the face smooth with emery paper. It kept the ball straighter and lower trajectory in windy weather.

So naturally, heading up the six year V Project I brought that to the table early on.

Sadly the V Project couldn’t protect the change by patent, but it was a nice gift to change golfers games all around the world.

A little more next time of the V Project and how it changed the game of golf.

  • Find Martin on Facebook
  • Location: Chio, Guia de Isora. Tenerife
  • WhatsApp: 643 191 935