Weather in Tenerife in January

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max temperature in Tenerife in January is 21 degrees on average with 6 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in January 28mm over 6 days.  Average Humidity is 70%.

In January, Tenerife enjoys a mild winter and like February, is perhaps the most unpredictable. It very much depends on where you are, for example, in North Tenerife it is usually colder and is more inclined to rain, than in the south, where the sun is pretty much guaranteed.  It’s possible to swim in the sea at this time of year but it’s generally a little too cool for most.

It’s an amazing feeling to be bathing in the sea (or pool) while watching the snow Teide although, be aware, the sea will be cold no matter what the weather and very few hotels heat their pools. Check with your hotel before you book!  If you ever catch a day with real bad weather, and January is the most likely month for rain, you can still visit the rest of the island with it’s spectacular scenery and endless activities to do.