Weather in Tenerife in January

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in January is 21 degrees on average with 6 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in January 28mm over 6 days.  Average Humidity is 70%.

The weather in January very much depends on where you are because there are many contrasts and micro-climates in Tenerife; for example, in North Tenerife it is usually colder and is more inclined to rain, than in the south where the sun is pretty much guaranteed.  Tenerife weather for January , like February, is perhaps the most unpredictable.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in January is 21 degrees with 6 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

It’s an amazing feeling to be bathing in the sea (or pool) while watching the snow Teide although, be aware, the sea will be cold no matter what the weather and very few hotels heat their pools. Check with your hotel before you book!  If you ever catch a day with real bad weather, and January is the most likely month for rain, you can still visit the rest of the island with it’s spectacular scenery and endless activities to do.


Rainfall in Tenerife in January 28mm over 6 days


Weather in Tenerife in February

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in February is 21 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in February 4mm over 2 days. Average Humidity is 64%.

The question is the north or in the south ?  In the south in general you will have no problem with the weatherbut in the north it is a little more variable, maybe rain, spitting, occasionally a tropical downpour  or you could enjoy a splendid sunny week!  Heavy rain in the south is quite unlikely, especially for any length of time.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in February is 21 degrees with 6 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

With regard to clothing, it is advisable to bring lightweight, holiday gear, but don’t forget something warmer (jacket or sweater) especially if you’re moving around the island. One of the biggest surprises of the island is the contrast in temperature between one area and another so best go prepared. For example, if you go to La Laguna, do not forget to wear warm clothes even if you feel ridiculous coming out of the hotel in the south.


Rainfall in Tenerife in February 4mm over 2 days


Weather in Tenerife in March

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in March is 23 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in March 7mm over 4 days. Average Humidity is 66%.

The climate of Tenerife is very mild and temperate in all seasons. There is zero chance of intense cold or overbearing heat like you might get in Egypt.  Although it depends on the area where you are, this can be applied to most coastal areas. You will not have problems in March if you come to the south, the weather here is much drier and will not rain as much as in the north.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in March is 23 degrees with 8 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

March is a somewhat unpredictable month when the weather could follow the previous month or go head on into summer with daily improvements in the weather, the hours of sun and lack of rain.  Some years the March weather can surprise, starting of like the weather in May and ending more like that in Ferbruary.


Rainfall in Tenerife in March 7mm over 4 days


Weather in Tenerife in April

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in April is 22 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in April 8mm over 3 days. Average Humidity is 69%.

In the south of the island the odds of good weather are high (when I say good weather, I mean about 24º but breezy). If you go to the north of the island, you may be somewhat cloudy and cool (about 16 °). If you go up to Teide, after crossing the sea of ​​clouds, it is usually clear. The weather on the summit of the island is usually cool and somewhat windy.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in April is 22 degrees with 8 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

My advice is to wear clothes with short sleeves (even something lighter) but take sweater or two.  Normally the temperature is always reasonable, about a 19 to 24 degrees even in the north, but with the wind factor  sometimes can feel cooler.  On the subject of rain, sometimes it rains (especially in the north) but rarely all day, and it’s rather more like quick showers.


Rainfall in Tenerife in April 8mm over 3 days


Weather in Tenerife in May

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in May is 22 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in May 2mm over 2 days. Average Humidity is 73%.

May is quite warm and during the month temperatures rise a bit, especially at night. Daytime temperatures up to 23-24 ° can be seen in early May, 24-25 ° in late May. Spend the night with temperatures of 16-17 ° in early May and 17-19 ° 1t the end of the month May.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in May is 22 degrees with 8 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

In Los Cristianos the sky is often partially cloudy or clear. It is less common to find a mostly cloudy or overcast sky.  The wind varies throughout the month.  The presence of slight breeze or very faint breeze make the most pleasant climate, but in 30% of cases no wind.


Rainfall in Tenerife in May 2mm over 2 days


Weather in Tenerife in June

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in June is 25 degrees on average with 10 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in June is usually non-existent. Average Humidity is 73%.

June is a warm month during which the temperatures rise quite a bit, especially during the day. Daytime temperatures can be 26-27 ° early in the month, maybe at 28-29 ° in late June. Night temperatures 19-20 ° in early June, 19-21 ° at the end of the month.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in June is 25 degrees with 10 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

In June to Los Cristianos the sky is often partially cloudy but mostly clear. Rarely are foggy days or days with rain or showers wished upon us.  For those that dislike the higher temperatures of July and August, June is a good month for the best weather.


Rainfall in Tenerife in June is usually none at all.


Weather in Tenerife in July

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in July is 26 degrees on average with 10 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in July is zero. Average Humidity is 71%.

July is perhaps the best month to visit Tenerife, assuming you are coming for the sun.  The daytime temperature are pretty much the same as August but it’s not quite as hot at night, something you will be grateful for if you’re accommodation doesn’t have air-conditioning, or if, like me, the air-con gives you a sore throat and you don’t like using it.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in July is 26 degrees with 10 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

The downside of July is the price of course – prime school holiday season – so if money is tight but you must come in July, try and make it right at the start, or perhaps start your holiday at the end of June going into July.  The July weather will still be perfect but it will be a fair bit cheaper.


Rainfall in Tenerife in July is zero.


Weather in Tenerife in August

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in August is 27 degrees on average with 10 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in August nil. Average Humidity is 73%.

Tenerife weather in August is just about as good as it gets if you are a sun lover.  In the south you are guaranteed sun with no rain, and pretty much the same in the North as well.  It’s also a time when the kids are out full swing as it’s school holidays.  This means your holiday will be more expensive and there will be a lot of kids round the pool and on the beach.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in August is 21 degrees with 6 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

If you prefer a more moderate climate, you might want to give August a miss and consider September or October.  Some people, especially the older generation prefer the weather in Tenerife in the later month as it’s less overwhelming yet still more than sunny enough to be considered excellent weather.


Rainfall in Tenerife in August is zero


Weather in Tenerife in September

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in September is 26 degrees on average with 7 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in September 2mm over 3 days. Average Humidity is 74%.

September heralds the beginning of change after the summer season.  At the start of September you will find the weather in Tenerife is very similar to the previous month, but as September goes on the temperature will drop slightly and the risk of rains increases although is very slight and won’t last for long, just a light shower.  For younger people with no school holidays to work around, it can be a perfect time to visit Tenerife.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in September is 26 degrees with 7 hours of sun a day

September is a time when the ‘swallows’ begin to return to Tenerife, the people that come every year to avoid the cold in their own country but enjoy the less extreme weather in Tenerife in September and perhaps the rest of the winter months.  Mid September can be a quirt time as there are fewer families but the ‘swallow’ season has barely yet begun.


Rainfall in Tenerife in September 2mm over 3 days


Weather in Tenerife in October

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in October is 25 degrees on average with 7 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in October 3mm over 4 days. Average Humidity is 67%.

October in Tenerife is quite magical.  Although it heralds the coming of winter there is still much about the weather to be envied.  The rain, if it disturbs you at all with be very light and quickly over before the sun comes out again.  The rest of the time you could well compare the weather with a prefect summer day back in the UK.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in October is 25 degrees with 7 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

The ‘swallows’, the people who come to Tenerife for the winter months, continue to arrive in more numbers and the island changes somewhat from families to a mix of younger people without families and older people escaping the british winter for a few weeks.  Of course, there will be the dreaded ‘half-term’ when prices go up and families arrive for that week but less so than in the summer.


Rainfall in Tenerife in October 3mm over 3 days


Weather in Tenerife in November

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Late November, you have a great chance of spotting whales & dolphins. It’s generally a bit quieter in terms of tourist numbers so some fantastic November Specials Offers.

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max. temperature in Tenerife in November is 23 degrees on average with 7 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in November 11mm over 5 days. Average Humidity is 67%.

The weather in Tenerife is very diverse and varied, in fact the island is the largest and highest of all the Canary Islands, and therefore its climate the most versatile and changeable of them all. There are micro-climates, which are different climatic conditions that can amaze us, climbing up just a few hundred meters, which in Tenerife you can do in a short period of time.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in November is 23 degrees with 7 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

Tenerife is the island of eternal spring; even in the winter months, the average daily temperature is around 20 degrees. In spring the temperature is rising in summer to reach 30 degrees or more. In November the temperature is maintained until late in the month when it drops but remains moderate.


Rainfall in Tenerife in November 11mm over 5 days


Weather in Tenerife in December

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in December is 22 degrees on average with 6 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in December 17mm over 5 days. Average Humidity is 69%.

December is a mild month with temperatures are fairly stable, usually the day is mild but could reach temperatures of 21-22 °.  The nights are cool, down 15-16 °. The daily temperature range (temperature difference between day and night) is relatively low, 6-7 ° .


Max.temperature in Tenerife in December is 22 degrees with 6 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

In December in Los Cristianos the skies are often partly cloudy. There is always wind, usually a moderate or very faint breeze, but maybe a cooler breeze can reach 33-34 km / h. They are very rare windless days but it has to said that Los Cristianos and nearby coastal resorts could well be better weather that that around the airport which is very prone to wind.


Rainfall in Tenerife in December 17mm over 5 days