Weather in Tenerife in March

See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month 

Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max.temperature in Tenerife in March is 23 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in March 7mm over 4 days. Average Humidity is 66%.

The climate of Tenerife is very mild and temperate in all seasons. There is zero chance of intense cold or overbearing heat like you might get in Egypt.  Although it depends on the area where you are, this can be applied to most coastal areas. You will not have problems in March if you come to the south, the weather here is much drier and will not rain as much as in the north.


Max.temperature in Tenerife in March is 23 degrees with 8 hours of sun a day

Graph also shows low temperatures and humidity

March is a somewhat unpredictable month when the weather could follow the previous month or go head on into summer with daily improvements in the weather, the hours of sun and lack of rain.  Some years the March weather can surprise, starting of like the weather in May and ending more like that in Ferbruary.


Rainfall in Tenerife in March 7mm over 4 days