See also Tenerife Resort Weather and Tenerife Weather by Month
Historical figures taken from Tenerife South Airport Max temperature in Tenerife in May is 22 degrees on average with 8 hours of sun a day. Rainfall in Tenerife in May 2mm over 2 days. Average Humidity is 73%.
May is quite warm and during the month temperatures rise a bit, especially at night. Daytime temperatures up to 23-24 ° can be seen in early May, 24-25 ° in late May. Spend the night with temperatures of 16-17 ° in early May and 17-19 ° 1t the end of the month May.
In Los Cristianos the sky is often partially cloudy or clear. It is less common to find a mostly cloudy or overcast sky. The wind varies throughout the month. The presence of slight breeze or very faint breeze make the most pleasant climate, but in 30% of cases no wind.